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Unigov - The official web site of Holos Global System and its initiatives

Problems, ideas, resources, organisation.

Unsolvable material problems don't exist but one must gain conscience of them, perceive them, recognise them, put them in priority order, search the origins, study the causes, give oneself possible solutions (ideas), produce the instruments, consider the effects of the solutions, set the strategies to orient the means towards the aims, act concretely and verify the results.

The thirty most felt and urgent problems in priority order with the relative solutions.

1st Energy isn't sufficient and is badly distributed. We have oil for less than 40 years. Tejas (Energy) provides the development of the production and utilisation of energy on the planet through all the sources scientifically safe and available.

2nd Drinkable water is limited. Its availability in 2025 will be half the one in 1985, with 3.5 billions people facing water scarcity. Udaka (Water) provides the increase of drinkable water's availability by using the basins containing it and the redistribution on the planet by means of canals and other methods made possible by modern technology.

3rd Not everyone has food. Nearly 800 billions of human beings suffer from hunger. Asana (Food) provides the solution to the problem of hunger in the world through the distribution of food for three years, the time necessary in order to activate the other programs that will allow starving people to produce enough.

4th Many people are ill. Tens of millions of people die due to the lack of medicines for illnesses that would be curable. Ayus (health) provides the improvement of health through research, therapy and prevention.

5th Culture is limited: a quarter of the human beings, approximately a billion and a half people find themselves in a condition of illiteracy. Jnana (Knowledge) provides complete diffusion of literacy, the strengthening of information and its availability for every human being.

6th Social communication is missing. The warped use of the media has made people more isolated and dependent from newspapers and televisions. Vadana-Karna (Social Communication) is a plan for the diffusion of the social communications centres where all the people can inquire each other and debate.

7th Production is depressed. A quarter of us produces and consumes three quarters of the world's wealth. Karoti (production) provides production plans for productive sectors in relation to the productive vocations of the inhabitants of the same Country.

8th Economy is in crisis. Nearly one billion people lives with less than one dollar a day, and in 140 Countries where 4.5 billions inhabitants live, people live with less than two dollars a day. Tetrakos (Four faces) provides national economic development plans drawn from the Karoti production plans and based on four factors: needs, vocations, resources and organisation.

9th Work is missing. Great part of the countries that have natural resources (raw materials) don't transform them in products but they sell them to the most developed Countries charging them low prices. Nava (New) provides new enterprises in every sector for new jobs.

10th Negative economic cycles have multiplied. The market's economy is characterised by periods of growth and depression due to the lack in programming production. Varga (Group) is a universal enterprise made of regional groups of interdependent enterprises to avoid economy cyclical crisis.

11th Power is concentrated in a small amount of hands: due to the concentration of production means and finance, the one per cent of us owns more than the 50 per cent of the world's wealth. Karana (Production) is a plan for the worldwide development of the production means used by the enterprises provided by the Nava plan.

12th Consumer durable goods are missing. The main sectors of economy are heavy industry, consumer and data processing products, with a limited availability of tools, utensils and implements, those goods that make life more comfortable. Bhaks (Durable) provides the production of continued utilisation consumer durable goods.

13th The cost of the services is unsustainable. Four fifths of the gross domestic product of the most advanced economies is made of services that determine prices par to 4, 5 until 10 times the production cost. Seva (Services) is a plan for the organic development of the services for the enterprises and the private subjects in order to reduce costs and prices.

14th The environmental situation has reached its limit. The combustion of fossils and hydrocarbons has caused an enormous pollution of air and water and the overheating of the whole planet. Ecology (Environment) provides the depollution of air, water and soil.

15th We suffer the effects of the transformation process of economy into finance. At least the 95 per cent of monetary and financial transactions are used for speculative operations outside real economy and trade exchanges. Kosa (wealth) is a new system for financial relations based on direct resources transfer from ho detains them to who can use them, to bring them back to real economy.

16th Great part of the savings is unproductive. Savings are mainly addressed towards financial transactions, causing a sensible concentration of investments. Cinoti (Savings) provides the collection of savings to be addressed to productive purposes through the participation of the savers to the management of the enterprises with the guarantee not to loose the capitals.

17th Wealth isn't invested in order to produce. The wealth produced isn't addressed towards the production of other real wealth but it's invested in an unproductive way. Parasparam (Reciprocity) provides the productive investment of the wealth produced by the enterprises by means of new production means.

18th The market is monopolised. A few big enterprises control market, economy and finance, while a great number of enterprises don't have contractual power. Medium concern enterprises are missing and are also thwarted. Synergy is a corporate relations system among the enterprises to increase their information, their planning and their contractual power.

19th The necessary consumptions are in crisis. Due to the market and the prices, on average enterprises don't manage to produce more than two thirds of their productive potential. Vencap (Venture capital) provides interventions for the productive and commercial strengthening of the existing enterprises in order to accelerate the strengthening process of real economy.

20th Real economy's credits aren't sufficient. Paradoxically, while 19 twentieths of the circulating money is addressed to virtual economy, in real economy the credits necessary for the management and development of the enterprises are missing. Vikraya (Compensation) is an international compensation system for commercial payments that transforms commercial credits in exchange and payment means without having to use money.

21st The market conditions the informative systems. The trend is to prefer the production of systems and machinery following personal pleasures instead of products useful to inquire and exchange news and opinions. Stellar (excellent) is a via ether interactive informative system by means of geostationary satellites to receive in real time the answer to any question that has already been given one.

22nd The conditions we live in are unsafe. Thefts, fire, floods, earthquakes, road accidents, terrorism, wars and other causes provoke fear and insecurity. Eka (Person) provides a worldwide diffusion personal safety system.

23rd Circulation is chaotic. Traffic's chaos has increased the time length of long and short distance transports. When vehicles were slower than now, it used to take us less to arrive to destination. Pat-Patati (to fly) is a new circulation system operated by vertical takeoff vehicles (Air-X).

24th The banking system serves a small amount of great interests. The current bank activity is constituted by low cost and high price services and from the remunerations rising from the placing of financial products and instruments. Cyberbank (Cybernetic bank) is a data transmission bank usable by means of any communication mean, to speed up bank operations and lower the prices down to the minimum.

25th There isn't peace. We're always in war. The enormous war technology has produced regional conflicts and the risk of use of nuclear arms has increased. Santi (Peace) provides the conversion of the war industry in other activities to build and produce instead of destroying.

26th Research is insufficient. Basic research, experimentation and applied research are addressed very little resources, also due to the concerns of some individuals to loose control on all the others. Avatar (Action) is a worldwide multi-purpose centre for basic and applied researches.

27th We've become more egoist, false, hypocrite. The main available means are used to satisfy instincts instead of curbing them. We use the means the technological progress puts at our disposal for our own personal assertion, exactly when we could live and evolve without having to assert ourselves on someone else. Without selection. Renewal (Change) is a plan for the contextual and programmed reform of social, civil, political, economic and moral relations and behaviours.

28th Politics are subject to finance. The globalisation of the markets has increased the concentration of the wealth and the hegemony of economy on politics. The Republic of the Earth is a worldwide government system directly elected by all the inhabitants of the planet aged at least sixteen.

29th Currencies don't have any value any more. All currencies are essentially "guaranteed" by public debts and have a real value lower than the three per cent of the nominal one. This is what legal tender is for. To impose currencies to people. Dhana (Money), the worldwide currency of the Republic of the Earth, is entirely guaranteed by enterprises' capitals. The new currency is a real value measure unit, a valid exchange mean and a value reserve for savings.

30th People keep dieing. As nobody rebels against injustice, neither does anybody against the causes of death, preferring to forget it exist. Kayamara (Immortality) provides a research program concerning the causes of cell's mortality. It's the last problem to be faced, because if it's true we die for necessity, we can prevent from dieing only if it's not necessary any more.

These are the problems and the solutions. Now lets have a look at the organisation.

The resources put at disposal in order to face these problems on the entire planet amount to 11,452 billions US Dollars and enterprises' capitals for a nominal value par to 12,932 billions of Euro to guarantee 517 billions Dhana.

The necessary organisation to carry out the thirty solutions is made of approximately 37.5 million people in the entire world.

Time isn't an independent variable of reality.

The more the time goes the worse the problems that haven't been faced get. This is why each solution has been assigned a certain amount of time, even better a precise calendar.

Will there be any reaction, hindrance? There's always someone that doesn't want to understand. And because, as Kiekergaard said, if something can be done, doing it is correct and useful, and it's not done anyway, it's because it hasn't been understood enough, reactions and hindrances from who hasn't understood enough are predictable. Never mind. Later, they will understand.

Have a nice day. Navasthana (*).

Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi

(*) Navasthana is a greeting meaning "new place" in Sanskrit language.